Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 1 - Peaaceful

First weekend of peace. Good start I guess. Well peaceful enough I think. Only one thing happened but I mange to hold my tongue.

Was heading to a friend's place for board games night but on our way there, found out that the friend was out for dinner. Why it didn't occur to him to either drive back to my place or his to wait since we don't live very far from the friend's place, I don't know. So instead we just drove around around the neighborhood waiting. Then after about an hour or so, still no sign of the friend, I suggested going somewhere to get something sweet (actually was because I was getting tired of sitting in the car and a headache was pounding in my head. And for suggesting such thing, I got snapped at saying that he don't want to and because he just eat. Speechless as I was, I manage to say never mind then. After awhile only he asked what was exactly that I wanted. Just told him never mind. Not going to say much since he already said that he doesn't want to. So decided to take a nap then since he said he wants to continue driving around. I curled up and slept with my back facing him. At a traffic light he asked what wrong with me in an irritated way. So just said that since he wanted to drive about, I'm going to take a nap. And thats that. He continued driving about while I slept until the friend was home. Not very sure how long thats was, but was having a slightly pounding going on when we arrived.

So I mange not to say anything that might start a fight. Yay. But it hurts nonetheless. Pathetic. Made my choice though.

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