Sunday, April 12, 2009

Colleagues Whom I Like To Shoot At

Right. We all pretty much have colleagues all around and all the time... well, that is if you are working and not bumming around at home. Some colleagues are great and some are so-so. And at MOST times you have shit head colleagues whom you would love to pump a whole load of shotgun in their face. What irks me the most are colleagues who refuses to acknowledge responsibility, 'tai-chi' around his own responsibilities to others and THEN moan and cry that he has more workload and responsibilities then the others in the office. Gawd.... Where's the shotgun? *rummaging around*

Not that I'm saying they have no work at all and don't do their share of work. But can they not be a little more responsible? A simple question of when can we do this will somehow give me an answer of why don't you ask so and so to do this first and we take things one step at a time. This in my interpretation means why don't you ask this scapegoat to do this for you first and when you're done, ask me again and I'll see if I'm bothered enough from my 'gigantic' load of work to do this for you. My question was simple. When can we do this? Give me a day and time. I'm not asking to do it now now now. I'm giving him a choice. On his terms since I know how 'royally' busy he is with his mountain high workload.

I hate dragging things. When I decide to do something I rather just do it and finish it instead of dragging it to days and then will eventually weeks/months. I'm a procrastinator. I know about dragging. If this is my own things I don't care if it drags to when hell freezes over. But when it come to work. Lets just do it and be done with it and I'll get off your back. Why can't people just understand that concept?

Now where the heck did I leave my shotgun? *more rummaging around*

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